
Der große Adventskalender – Tag 12

Tag 12 der Weihnachtszeit steht an und der entsprechende Beitrag von Blizzard verbirgt sich hinter Türchen 12!

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5 Kommentare

    1. Ich verstehe da alles 😀 Naja ok ich kenn auch den Text

      On the first day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      a brand new scv

      On the second day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the third day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the fourth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the fifth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and brand new scv

      On the sixth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and brand new scv

      On the seventh day of christmas, Blizzard gave to us
      seven Zerglings swarming
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the eigth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      eight Archons burning
      seven Zerglings swarming
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the ninth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      nine Battle Cruisers
      power overwhelming
      seven Zerglings swarming
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the tenth day of christmas, Blizzard gave to me
      ten Ultralisks
      nine Battle Cruisers
      terror all consuming
      seven Zerglings swarming
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the eleventh day of christmas, blizzard gave to me
      eleven Science Vessels
      ten Ultralisks
      nine Battle Cruisers
      I hate all this singing
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

      On the twelth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me
      twelve Arbiters
      eleven Science Vessels
      ten Ultralisks
      nine Battle Cruisers
      eight Archons burning
      seven Zerglings swarming
      six Zealots fighting
      five newborn Queens
      four Hydralisks
      three Marines
      two Terran Wraiths
      and a brand new scv

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